
Es un blog para describir las acciones que hacen los voluntarios de Ecotrackers en Quito por la defensa de la biodiversidad y la diversidad cultural, por el turismo comunitario inteligente o sencible y los trabajos de tesis, investigación o práctica profesional. (This blog to record the experiences of the volunteers in Quito with regards to the defense of biodiversity and cultural diversity, by means of intelligent community tourism and thesis work, research, or internships.)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

certificate to Woulter Kakebeeke



Ecotrackers Foundation Network

Presenting an working certificate to:

Wouter Kakebeeke,

For his good working performance like a volunteer during five months, while developing the web page www.ecotrackers.net and the pedagogic language journal in Spanish, English and other native language, called “Mirada”. Furthermore, he has been helpful in developing “ecological” business through this journal, which allows de conservation of the biodiversity and culture in Ecuador, as well as further work for future volunteers in describing stories and legends in native communities and the use of the journal in publishing activities and project in these communities

Quito, 21 de Febrero del 2007

Dra. Verónica Maldonado Dr. Maximiliano Moreno H

Presidenta de Ecotrackers Director de Proyectos